I'm excited to announce that our paper "Towards Interactive Guidance for Writing Training Utterances for Conversational Agents" won a Best Paper Honorable Mention at CUI this year.
Yesterday, I co-led our tutorial, "Documenting AI's Enviromental Impact" at FAccT 2024 where we advocated for more engagement with energy and water usage concerns among the community. Thank you all for joining, especailly for attending the last session of the day.
We have two papers accepted to CUI this year. The first paper considers how to better support traditional conversational AI intent trainers: "Towards Interactive Guidance for Writing Training Utterances for Conversational Agents." The second evaluates the linguistic variety of utterances as a consequence of that support: "Say What? Real-time Linguistic Guidance Supports Novices in Writing Utterances for Conversational Agent Training." I'll be attending the conference in person in Luxembourg July 8th to 10th.
Brandon Dominque will be presenting our paper, "Prompt Templates: A Methodology for Improving Manual Red Teaming Performance" at the CHI HEAL workshop on May 12th.
I'll be attending CSCW this year to present our paper "AIMEE: An Exploratory Study of How Rules Support AI Developers to Explain and Edit Models." Hope you see you all there.
Yet another congrats to Brandon Dominque who just won a Best Student Paper Award at IEEE SSE 2023 for his paper, "FactSheets for Hardware-Aware AI Models: A Case Study of Analog In Memory Computing AI Models."
This site was last updated on August 1, 2024.
© 2014-2024 David Piorkowski, all rights reserved. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer or sponsors.